SierraDescents | Tag | nikon

Nikon D800

Climbing Telegraph Peak - 300x300 placeholder

Perhaps the best way to introduce Nikon's full-frame D800 DSLR is to note that it is not at all the camera Nikon enthusiasts were expecting. In hindsight, there is a certain (more)

Nikon D800 vs. Sony RX100

Nikon D800 vs. Sony RX100

Once again I am updating my Sony RX100 review page. Here's an amazing admission: I bought a Nikon D800 specifically to shoot video on my then-upcoming Rim to Rim hike in the (more)

Nikon D600 Video: No Free Lunch

Climbing Telegraph Peak - 300x300 placeholder

The D600 is arguably the very first affordable full-frame Nikon DSLR, and for many still photographers, it will be nothing less than a dream come true. We Nikon faithful long ago (more)

Nikon D7000

Climbing Telegraph Peak - 300x300 placeholder

If it weren't for the D7000's annoying tendency to overexpose certain kinds of images, I think I could honestly say there is not a single digital frame I've ever taken that (more)

Nikon P300

Climbing Telegraph Peak - 300x300 placeholder

Nikon's 12-megapixel P300 compact is the latest addition to my quiver of field cameras. I've learned to carry compacts in addition to or even instead of larger DSLRs and (more)

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About SierraDescents

When there is snow, SierraDescents is Andy Lewicky's California backcountry skiing and mountaineering website. Without snow, sierradescents becomes an ill-tempered hiking and climbing blog.

Pray for snow.