A Bony New Year

A Bony New Year

Here in Flagstaff, Arizona for the holidays. I suppose we should be happy the Snowbowl is at least open, but paying full price for a ticket to wreck your skis does make me a bit grinchy (memo to resort: drop the price or offer a voucher or something).

I've been riding my ancient Atomic R11's, which I swore I'd never ski again, and honestly things are so bare I feel sorry for them. Meanwhile in the Wasatch, Andrew McLean is calling for a Winter Do-Over. Is there any snow in Colorado? It can't be worse than here.

Back home in SoCal, resorts with capable snowmaking aren't too bad: I had a lot of fun with my son at Snow Valley last week, and no doubt Summit is fine as well. I keep checking the 10-day for the Palisades, and there isn't a ghost of anything on the horizon. I think I'm just going to have to hunker down for a while, maybe do some winter climbing to amuse myself.

— January 1, 2012

Andy Lewicky is the author and creator of SierraDescents

Scott January 3, 2012 at 9:43 am

This weather is horrible for my mountain biking off-season. With nowhere to ski, I just don't have much to do other than ride. I suppose there are worse problems to have, though. I mean, at least it's not just warm rain all the time...

Dave January 3, 2012 at 10:14 am

Ice Climbing is going off in the sierra's, combined with the ability to access via Tioga Pass is unreal. Time to break the tools out until the snow falls.

Dan Conger January 10, 2012 at 6:51 pm

Drive over Tioga Pass to visit my folks for Christmas ... terrible. Kirkwood is boasting 11". Wow ...