Chasing My Brother

Really there's no better motivator than having a little brother who's faster than you in the gates. I spent damn near my entire young adulthood chasing him, and, looks like I'm still trying to catch him. :)

Hard to say who'd be faster if we jumped into a course today (NARRATOR: your brother would be much, much faster), though I do like my chances on my Speed Course Ti's. Once again this is Telluride, CO, test footage from the HD Hero2.

At this point I think I've got enough information to put together a review, but let me quickly say that I think the GoPro system is a clear winner versus Contour's. A lot of that has to do with the superior mount options that GoPro offers, but I'm also seeing very pleasing color rendition from the Hero2, and good definition in the highlights—two areas where the Contour 1080P really struggles.

Review coming later. Possibly much later. I've still got a lot more chasing—I mean testing—to do. (also, in case it's not obvious: I wouldn't be half the skier I am today if my brother hadn't been such a terror on the race course).

— February 15, 2012

Andy Lewicky is the author and creator of SierraDescents

Scott February 15, 2012 at 4:34 pm

Is the lens still as crazy wide-angle as the original Hero? The original Hero required such close tailing for decent follow-cam footage that my group eventually concluded it was a safety hazard on anything other than groomers. For your video, it's hard to tell whether you're 5-10ft behind your brother (as I would guess based on the original Hero) or a safer distance of 10-20ft.

Andy February 15, 2012 at 5:43 pm

Scott, you get a choice of wide, normal, or narrow. This was shot wide. I was pretty close -- maybe 20' or so, which feels very exciting as the speed gets up there...