March Miracle for Mammoth

California has indeed gotten its Miracle March—parts of it, anyhow. Mammoth reports reports 17 feet of snow fell this month on the upper mountain (eleven at Main Lodge), more in one month than the entire rest of the winter.
Snow totals for Southern California's mountains, alas, were not so miraculous, and neither was the total water count for the Southland, even given last week's AR event. I think we have to call everything but the very top of Gorgonio a total bust for the season.
The Southern Sierra looks pretty full above 10K feet. Heck, let's call it really full, Big Line-worthy. Below 10K there is virtually nothing. So, I hope you've been maintaining your heroic fitness level through this otherwise demoralizing winter, because now (or more prudently, in let's say a week or so) is the time to jump on it.
Down the road, I see the possibility of a very fine April/May backcountry season, because the roads are all going to open early, and the high snowfields should be full enough to persist. It is hard, I know, to go from zero to 60 like this, but that's 2018 for you.
— March 26, 2018
Andy Lewicky is the author and creator of SierraDescents
charles March 26, 2018 at 8:04 pm
Andy thanks for the update- stunning snow in that pic!
I'll have to start planning my yearly CA family visit. I've found that early road openings and thinner snowpacks usually offer better spring skiing at the passes. We'll see...
Dan Conger March 28, 2018 at 5:05 pm
I miss Mammoth. Haven’t skied in several years now for various reasons. Need to get the sticks back on my feet and go for a spin.
Bill March 29, 2018 at 7:05 pm
Just got back from Mammoth last night (3/28). Conditions were excellent but quickly turning into Spring conditions as the temps warmed up. Decent coverage at June Mountain all the way to the base parking lot at 7,500' elevation, excellent coverage on upper half of June and all of Mammoth.
Bill March 29, 2018 at 7:09 pm
. . . and skiing Wipeout Chutes with my 9 year old (his request) and deep steep trees with my 12 year old (also his urging)- the passing of the torch is official! Next year tech bindings for the kiddies.