Will There Be Snow?

Will there be snow? For Southern California skiers it is the eternal question. As leaves turn and temperatures drop, memories of winters past begin to swirl like snowflakes in my mind.
Remember that blizzard where you couldn't see anything?
Vertigo. Wind howling. The click of a strap on a ski pole. Neck gator frozen against your chin. Falling over into a bottomless whiteout powder cushion because you couldn't tell if you were moving or standing still.
Skiing in a storm. Skiing in a t-shirt. Packing up the car. The look of fresh corduroy in the morning. The feel of cold morning air biting your lungs when you stretch on your skins and take the first few steps of a long, long climb toward a summit...
So many good memories of snow and snow country. Let winter begin.
— October 2, 2018
Andy Lewicky is the author and creator of SierraDescents
Brad Brown October 6, 2018 at 7:56 pm
Ski erotica Andy, especially the part about not knowing whether your moving or standing still. Howard's leaning toward yes in most recent post. I got sick and missed this weekend camping in the clouds on the way to a Mt Sill summit attempt, prob avoided some foul weather...wait until next year. Anderson/San Bernardino East via Moymer and Iron Mountain on the fall list, if successful that will make a 9 peak season total.....but for now dreaming of turns whilst trail running.
Dan Conger October 7, 2018 at 12:53 am
Hopefully the entire state will have a solid winter. Mammoth is already being dusted. May it be a portent of things to come.