Mammoth Closes

I am posting links to my twitter account if I find something I think is helpful. Marginal Revolution has been a good source for both news and analysis, so I recommend starting there. I also recommend you limit your total news exposure—maybe check in with the LA Times or your preferred national source once a day. More than that is probably not helpful. Stay safe everyone!
UPDATE 03.18.20:
Since many of you are asking, I'm staying home.
I'm not attempting to hike or ski local peaks right now. I encourage you to stay home also. There is obviously no risk of spreading disease hiking mountains alone in the backcountry, but if you have to drive to get there, you are going to be filtering through gas stations and convenience marts and fast food places, and that does up the risk of transmission.
Another, very significant concern is you do not want to need any kind of medical or rescue services if you can avoid it. That would include not only getting hurt doing something in the backcountry, but getting hurt in transit. I recommend you stay local to your neighborhood and walk, hike or bike (safely) as appropriate to stay sane.
Many of you, I know, are young and therefore not in the highest-risk groups. Our individual choices nevertheless directly impact our collective future. Please be safe.
1) Will exponential spread burn out faster than expected?
2) Epsilon Theory: "Like it or not, you live in interesting times"
3) 3 Things I learned from the Coronavirus Crash
4) 7 Ways to cope with coronavirus anxiety
6) The new Libertarian view: Subsidize Everything!
7) Why are we seeing such large differences in fatality rates?
— March 15, 2020
Andy Lewicky is the author and creator of SierraDescents
Dan Conger March 16, 2020 at 6:59 pm
I’m an executive for a medical device company, and all the MD’s and NP’s I know are telling us to take this very seriously indeed. Despite the hardship that decisions like this will cause for all of the laborers out of work, it really is the best decision. A global pandemic, of all the horrible things that could happen to our society, is something we should plan better for. Shame on us for leaving people without healthcare, without income, and with no safety net to fall back on.
Bad enough that people are out of work, even worse will be the debt they have when the jobs come back ... and even worse than that is the debt many will have from having to undergo lifesaving treatment for COVIDIEN-19. To survive such a thing, and then be saddled with tens of thousands of dollars of medical debt afterwards??? We are better than this, and we should work to change our system such that we are better prepared to meet both the health tragedy, and the financial need when the next pandemic arrives.
OK, off my soapbox now ...
John March 17, 2020 at 6:39 pm
A friend of mine that lives in Mammoth sent me pix today from the broom of Chair 2 Stump Alley. Bluebird day with a view to the summit, untracked and Ungroomed.
A tough but necessary call by Alterra and th either resort companies.
It’s a good opportunity to go back or side country with your close family and friends that have self isolated for awhile. This week should replenish the San Gabriels as well as the Sierra.
Let’s all do our part by staying isolated to flatten the curve.