SierraDescents | Page 15

What I’m Doing (And Not Doing)

What I'm Doing (And Not Doing)

Here's sunset on Coronado Island, just off San Diego. Having spent the past weekend wandering about, I have the say the place is very impressive—almost as nice as Santa (more)

Surviving the Gloom

Surviving the Gloom

Among the many challenges residents of Southern California face, perhaps none is so dire as the loss of the very thing that defines our existence. I am speaking, of course, of (more)

The BPA Saga Continues…

The BPA Saga Continues...

With something somewhere between disgust and resignation, I must report to you that BPA, the ambiguously-toxic (or is it safe?) wonder chemical found throughout our plastics and (more)

2005: Origins

2005: Origins

SierraDescents officially started in November 2005 (when the first post appeared), but I tend to think the site began during the 2004-2005 winter, when I was extensively climbing (more)

The Winter Wrap: 2015

The Winter Wrap: 2015

What happened? I think I can safely speak on behalf of most Californians when I say 2014-2015 was not the winter we were hoping for. Coming fresh on the heels of last year's (more)

Say No To Summer Alert!

Say No To Summer Alert!

On the strength of an out-of-nowhere May storm that has dropped 12-18" of fresh snow and is still going, Mammoth Mountain has cancelled their planned closure this weekend. I (more)

Steep Skiing: Uphill Ski Strategies Part II

Steep Skiing: Uphill Ski Strategies Part II

The downhill ski works. You do the move, and it's practically universal: hard snow, soft snow, low angle, high angle, damn the consequences, it works. It's simple, it's (more)

Mammoth in May

Mammoth in May

Here was my thought: what if I could pretend I was skiing in August, instead of May? Today's conditions would be pretty spectacular, I reasoned, if we were skiing in August, and (more)

Mammoth April Fools

Mammoth April Fools

That popping sound you hear is the sound of loose rocks pinging off the tips of my skis. Attentive viewers will notice the sound is nearly continuous. Welcome to winter 2015, (more)

Marmot Front Range Jacket

Marmot Front Range Jacket

For cold but fair-weather Alpine skiing, I love wearing a windproof fleece jacket. But I'd gotten tired of looking like a fuzzy black puffball in my Patagonia R4. When my old (more)

Telluride Blues

Telluride Blues

As is my annual custom, last week I traded Southern California for Colorado's San Juans, spending six days in the town of Telluride. And, as is also now a yearly tradition, (more)

Dust to Dust

Dust to Dust

Those of you who made it to the Big Bear area this past weekend found conditions about as good as they've been all year, thanks to fresh snow and a furious bout of snowmaking. (more)

The Kabookie Bids Adieu

The Kabookie Bids Adieu

A sad bit of news I unfortunately have to report following the WWSRA demo at Mammoth Mountain is word the Kabookie will not return for the 2015-2016 season. As the metal-free (more)

At The Eleventh Hour, Snow

At The Eleventh Hour, Snow

I was thinking, yesterday, about skinny runs. For those of you who skied in the 70's or 80's, I'm sure you remember them, because that's all there were: narrow, winding runs that (more)

2015 WWSRA Mammoth Mountain

2015 WWSRA Mammoth Mountain

It’s been hard, these past dry years, to think much like a ski buyer, but the makers have continued their work notwithstanding, and, snow or not, they’ve made some fantastic (more)