SierraDescents | Category | Current Conditions

Significant Rain/Snow?

Significant Rain/Snow?

Weather may be typical SoCal mundane right now, but the Los Angeles Times reports what could be the wettest storm in years is en route for later this week: forecasts call for as (more)

Snow Valley: January 2014

Snow Valley: January 2014

AARRRGH!! Really: Aargh! There's no other way to say it. I feel my stubborn side kicking in, and now I'm wondering: who will quit first? Will Snow Valley management throw in (more)

Summit: Still Solid

Summit: Still Solid

I can't say if Snow Summit is currently offering the best skiing in California, but I can say their snowmaking capability remains unmatched. Where Snow Valley just down the road (more)

Downtown Driest Ever

Downtown Driest Ever

Are we really already in hoping-for-March mode? 2013 isn't even over yet. I was doing okay until I checked the numbers for Mammoth: last year, Mammoth Mountain saw 147" of snow (more)

Just Add Snow

Just Add Snow

Please!!! Was I really driving with the A/C on today, mid-December, at 7000 feet in the San Bernardino Mountains? Alas, yes: NOAA gave the high temperature in Running Springs as (more)

Mammoth Thanksgiving

Mammoth Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought a little skiing might be nice this holiday weekend. Very thin coverage and only four lifts running (more)

November Snow

November Snow

3-5" of fresh snow is the official word from Mt. Baldy, in the San Gabriel Mountains, but peering through the haze today from Kenneth Hahn State Park, I'd say coverage on Baldy's (more)

The Well-Cooked Andy

The Well-Cooked Andy

First of all, I apologize. I knew writing about our record-cool first two weeks of August was just asking for trouble, and I did it anyway, and of course mere days later Los (more)

A Very Cool August

A Very Cool August

I do like to check in on the weather now and then for the archives, and 2103 has been an unusually cool August for us here in the Los Angeles basin. I can't find any hard sources (more)

Wahoo Gullies Are Burnt

Wahoo Gullies Are Burnt

Here's a view that so struck me I had to jam on my brakes to pull over and take a picture of it: Mount Locke and the Wahoo Gullies, a favorite Bishop-area spring ski descent, (more)

White Mountain Is White

White Mountain Is White

Passing Olancha and entering the outskirts of Lone Pine on Highway 395, what should my wondering eyes see but snow—and lots of it—dusting the high peaks. Apparently (more)

Mammoth: Electrifying!

Mammoth: Electrifying!

It was such a beautiful sunny morning here at Mammoth Mountain California, I was beginning to hope the forecast T-storms would fail to show. Nope: right around 11 a.m. things (more)



Thank goodness we have Mammoth! Your Southern Sierra looks an awful lot like summer right now, but atop Mammoth Mountain there's got to be a solid 12 feet or so of snow. With (more)

Snow Valley: Done

Snow Valley: Done

Given what a rotten winter it's been in the backcountry, it was sure a solid season for me and my kids at Snow least until today. The kids and I skied Easter 2012 at (more)

Birch Mountain Benchmark

Birch Mountain Benchmark

I like Birch Mountain as a benchmark for Eastern Sierra snowpack conditions because it's gigantic and because it's readily viewable from Highway 395. Birch's upper face tells us (more)